Exhibitions are a great way to showcase your products and services… but aren’t they expensive? Not just the exhibition space, the stand, the photography, the literature, the ‘giveaways’, but also the accommodation, travel and having key staff out of the business. So it’s crazy not to make the most of the show by getting just the right people to it. You can’t leave that to chance. So here are ten great ways to make the most of an exhibition, whether it’s Multimodal, Ecobuild or the Composites show.
- Invite the people you want to be there. Sounds obvious doesn’t it, but so few companies do this. Send invitations by email (and then reminders). Ask key customers when you’re speaking to them. Send a note in with your invoices. Better still, add a text box to online invoices.
- Create a specific email footer, which has the show name, dates and your stand number – along with the words ‘see us at..’ or ‘register now for…’
- Make sure you have details of the show on your website and blog about it.
- Include it on Twitter. Create a conversation beforehand on social media if possible to generate interest, and definitely tweet from the show.
- Read the exhibitor’s manual and send off your exhibitors ‘blurb’ for the show website.
- Create a press release for the show preview features. The magazines’ contact details will usually be in the exhibitor’s manual.
- Invite key journalists onto your stand, and set a specific time and day.
- Make sure you take press packs into the press office. Don’t include brochures – they will only get binned.
- Keep a note of everyone who has been on your stand, and follow up with a polite email. Capture their data and ask if they would like to be added to your mailing list
- Blog about the show afterwards, and send out a review release. Don’t forget to take photos.
So there you have it – really make your communications around the show work as hard as you will be doing. But don’t forget the two really crucial things for all trade shows… comfy shoes and somewhere quiet to recuperate afterwards.