PR blurb and writing it – Tigerfish PR | marketing communications | Lancashire
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May 1, 2017
Dear media sales rep….
May 1, 2017

PR blurb and writing it

Have you ever been faced with a blank sheet of paper and not know what to write on it? Knowing you need to download the great ideas in your head and onto a page… but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry – you’re not alone. We get lots of requests to write content.  The way most companies to share knowledge, is to write it down, and it’s important to use the right style of writing. You’ll know whether it’s for a technical audience, customers or staff. You’ll have industry terms and abbreviations. Terms unique to your sector. We’re used to writing copy and it takes lots of different forms:

    • media releases
    • comment
    • opinion pieces
    • articles
    • reviews
    • exhibition previews
    • case studies
    • web content
    • brochure copy
    • email content
    • newsletters

But actually, when we work with manufacturers, logistics companies and b2b entrepreneurs, what we’re asked for mostly is to create some “PR blurb”*.  Which we’re more than happy to do!


*Specifically ‘blurb’ is the copy at the back of a book, which can either be a description of the contents, or a synopsis of a review. But hey.. that’s just another style of writing. And we can do that too!

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