Enewsletters and direct mail
Helping you keep an ongoing dialogue with your customers. You know who they are, they know you.. but sometimes you can drop off the radar. By regular, direct communication – whether by email or through the post, your company can be in front of the right people at the right time.
Of course, we all hope crises will never happen, but it’s good to be prepared in case they do.

Remind customers and prospects you’re here with regular newsletters featuring content they will find interesting and useful.
Worried you don’t have enough to say or the time to say it? We’ll make it easy, managing as much or as little as you need, from set up to writing to layout.

Direct mail
How often do you receive real mail these days? Direct mail cuts through the digital noise and make your prospects feel special, giving them something they can hold.
Because it’s more tangible and more memorable it delivers more impact and better response rates than digital. And we’ll make managing your next campaign easy.

Let’s get started:
T: 07881621143
E: hello@tigerfishpr.co.uk