What is PR? An hourglass approach – Tigerfish PR | marketing communications | Lancashire
Is social media a waste of time?
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017

What is PR? An hourglass approach

As we all know, people can’t buy from you, if they’ve not heard about you.

One of the ways that I recommend to get your name/ expertise about, is to guest blog on sites which have got the sort of readers you want to reach. And hence my guest blog on a business resiliance blog – because those readers will want to know about crisis comms; and my latest one on Geekilicious.com because Nickie is a prolific blogger with an engaged following.

My blog for her was triggered when I went into Preston FM to be interviewed about ‘all things PR’, taking in my trusty hourglass… Which led to various discussions about it, and how I use it to explain what PR is – and how I use it to stop getting carried away on social media.

So if you’re puzzled about how I use an hourglass – or indeed, want to read all the fascinating stuff that makes up Nickie’s blogs at Geekilicious and I am Typecast, mosey over to take a look.

Anyway, as Liz Pearson, aka @mummywhisperer says on Twitter, having read my article








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